It would seem that it’s not all over yet when it comes to decisions about Ruddington’s Green Belt!
A pivotal Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) Cabinet meeting took place on Tuesday 12th September in the Council Chamber at Rushcliffe Arena when the five key RBC members were tasked with acting upon the “Local Plan Part 2: Preferred Housing Sites” report. This is all about rescinding areas of the Green Belt in Rushcliffe to build new housing – including FOUR green field sites in Ruddington identified for over FOUR HUNDRED new homes.
You can read the full background >>HERE<<.
Ruddington’s Borough Councillors Martin Buckle, Jean Greenwood and John Lungley were not allowed to speak or vote at the meeting, although Cllrs Buckle and Greenwood had earlier jointly written to Council Leader Simon Robinson, Deputy Leader Debbie Mason and fellow Cabinet members Roger Upton, Gordon Moore & Andy Edyvean on behalf of residents concerned that the area known as RUD1 is included in these plans.

However the recommendation in the report was passed unanimously:
It is RECOMMENDED that Cabinet
a) Supports the proposed housing and mixed use site allocations as recommended in the report;
b) Supports publication of the proposed housing and mixed use site allocations for the purposes of public consultation; and
c) Delegates authority to the Executive Manager-–-Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing, to determine the form of consultation and the detail of the main consultation document.
This means that Ruddington is still in line for the following housing allocations by 2028:-
But Chairman Cllr Robinson moved to “Implore councils and groups to have their say and make their comments known in the next consultation stage” – which was passed unanimously. Cllr Mason was keen to stress that the sites put forward for development in the proposed plan were done so by Parish Councils, land owners and farmers among other sources. They want to “put people of Rushcliffe in control of the plan and not the developers.”
Nevertheless, representatives from both The Ruddington Community Association and Ruddington Action Group – who are particularly unhappy with our village’s increased housing allocation from 250 to 410 – did attend the cabinet meeting. {LATEST below.}
UPDATE 15th SEPT 2017:
A council statement issued today reads as follows:-
“Earlier this year Rushcliffe Borough Council consulted residents on potential housing sites on the edge of Ruddington. Having considered the responses, the Council is publishing, for further consultation, the preferred sites which it believes should be allocated in the Local Plan.
As part of this consultation the Council will be holding an exhibition on these preferred sites.
Date: Tuesday 17th October
Venue: St Peter’s Rooms, Church Street Time: 4pm to 8pm |
Please come along to the consultation event at the St Peter’s Rooms, Church Street any time between 4pm and 8pm to find out more.
If you are unable to attend, the consultation documents will be on display at all local libraries and can be viewed on the Council’s website.
Consultation on the Local Plan will commence on Monday 9 October 2017 and finish at 5pm on Monday 27 November 2017.
For further details of the consultation please go to or call 0115 981 9911″
So it seems there’s still quite a long way to go before any final decisions are made!?